Strawberries, pure and simple.

Please go to the Seasonal Menu to view my Strawberry treats.

Chocolate cupcakes with strawberry buttercream

Chocolate cupcakes with strawberry buttercream


Marble Cake with an Easter explosion on top

Marble Cake with an Easter explosion on top

The Easter Menu is hot off the press!

Check out the “Seasonal Menu” page for all our Easter goodies.

Spring is in the air…the Easter menu is coming soon!!

Please check out our “Current Menu” soon for Fabulous Gourmet Patisserie’s 2009 Easter Menu.

For items available year-round please view our “Corporate Menu”

Goodbye Nook!

I’m so sad to say that Nook Atmosphere in Barrie closed it’s doors last week.  The store was a haven for eco-friendly fashionistas and it will be missed.  I believe the on-line store is still active and can be accessed at

If you are interested the all organic cookies that we made for Nook, they are still available to order direct from our website.  And of course, almost all of Fabulous Gourmet Patisserie’s treats can be made with organic ingredients for those eco-friendly foodies out there.

Organic Cookies- 10.00/dozen

Triple Chocolate

Oatmeal Cinnamon Raisin

The Christmas Menu is ready!

Please view my “Current Menu” page to see our Holiday treats and prices.

Get a little Nookie, it’s organic!

Fabulous Gourmet is pleased to announce the launch of the Nookie, organic cookies made exclusively for Nook Atmosphere in Barrie  Nook Atmosphere is the place to shop for fabulous eco-friendly fashion and organic clothing.  Stop by the store to sample the Triple Chocolate Nookie and the Oatmeal Raisin Nookie made with organic ingredients.